The only way to start it to … well, get started!

First off, welcome to the site or shall I say, my first post here! I have high hopes for this site and have been spending WAY too much time messing with themes, skins, and the general look of the site and for now, it is still … unpublished. Fact is, it’s still quite a mess! Been working with the Empress template a bit, but again, not even CLOSE to launching this thing. Onward with the post though …

blog, seo, internet

50at60 …. A quest to visit and rediscover my own country. All 50 states in my 60th years around the sun. Planning, researching, discovering, and documenting. Lots to share as I am just getting this idea and site off the ground! Time to start posting and putting the blog design on the back burner though.

It’s been said, by many established bloggers and content creators that have been at this for years, not to focus on all of that at the beginning. Just pick a simple theme and get going. So here I am. I chose a theme called Empress and like I said, I am STILL fussing with is, but more importantly, I am starting and have actually put myself on a weekly posting schedule. So who knows, there may be several posts here when I finally launch, but till then, I’ll stay focussed and on schedule.

Golden Gate Bridge during daytime

So, what AM I posting about this week?

Just a quick observation of a couple of things. I’ll dive a bit deeper into my story and why I am on this personal quest for my 60th year next year in future posts. Let’s just say for today, that the more you observe and let yourself be aware of others stories around you, the more you realize that there are most likely a lot of people around you on similar journeys.

I was talking to a guy named Frank from a local resort hotel I have done alot of work at for over the past 39 years. He is one of the only familiar faces there now as many have moved on, retired, or embraced other opportunities in their lives. Turns out he is now at that personal juncture as well. He proceeded to tell me that his time there was approaching the 30 year mark and he has consciously made a decision to make a personal pivot away from a place he has enjoyed a successful career at. Much like mine as I approach my 40th year in the event lighting world.

scrabble chips forming shift happens word near white feather

I know that’s not exactly an epic story or not a story at all, but again, more of an observation. You never know what is in the minds of those around you and how you can, at the very least, be a trusted listener. We chatted a bit about our own personal pivots, dreams, and ideas for the future. A topic I am fascinated with …. the personal pivot.

If not now why? If not now, when?

silhouette of person standing on rock surrounded by body of water

I am beginning my own personal pivot myself because I have asked myself that question many times … and listened. I’ll keep this short for now, but its worth mentioning that as I approach this next decade of my life at my 60th birthday next year, I am reminded that my family lost our father around that age. A driving force behind MY personal pivot and acute awareness of the fragility of life and not delaying your dreams and wishes? Maybe. A deeper dive on a cute post perhaps. Till then, what are you putting off? Travel? A personal pivot? Think about it.

50at60 … Going to be a fun topic and journey to document, but planning on this being a resource filled site as well. Going to be a fun ride. Thanks for following it!

The Author

An aggressive goal to visit all 50 states during my 60th year, but here we are! I share a few other things on the sites below as well!

Follow the journey!


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