Embarking on the Journey of a Lifetime: Planning to Visit All 50 States at 60

Greetings, fellow travel enthusiasts! As I stand on the cusp of my sixtieth year, I’ve decided to embark on an audacious adventure: visiting all 50 states in just one year. I have already been to many of them already, but thought visiting all 50 at age 60 sounded kinda cool. Join me on this incredible journey as I share my planning process, tips, and the inevitable twists and turns of such an ambitious undertaking. Till I get to that age (its sneaking up!), I’ll share some of the planning and research in this blog.

white printer paper on brown and white floral textile

Step 1: Setting Priorities:

Before diving into the logistics, I’m taking some time to reflect on my priorities for this epic journey. If you are planning on a similar trip or series of trips like this, consider the type of experiences you want to have, whether it’s exploring natural wonders, immersing yourself in local cultures, or enjoying iconic landmarks. Understanding your priorities will shape your itinerary and make the planning process more focused.

Step 2: Creating a Budget:

While the idea of visiting all 50 states is exhilarating, it’s essential to set a realistic budget. Determine how much you’re willing to spend on transportation, accommodation, meals, and activities. Be sure to account for unexpected expenses and allocate funds accordingly. Creating a budget will help you make informed decisions and ensure a financially sustainable adventure. I personally have had several travel opportunities funded by my clients as I have spent a few decades as a lighting designer working with a few companies that have found value in having me as part of their team. Perhaps travel related work could help fund this project?

Step 3: Drafting a Tentative Itinerary:

I’ll share some of my initial thoughts about my rough strategy in future posts. A good start is to hang up a large calendar of the country on a wall somewhere that you will see everyday. Thats what I did. With your priorities and budget in mind, as you study the map, start drafting a tentative itinerary. Consider the geographical layout of the states, seasonal weather patterns, and any events or festivals you’d like to attend. A well-thought-out itinerary will help you maximize your time and make the most of each destination.

Step 4: Utilize Travel Resources:

Take advantage of various travel resources to streamline your planning process. Online platforms like travel blogs, forums, and social media can provide valuable insights from fellow travelers. Explore travel apps for itinerary management, accommodation bookings, and navigation. Leverage these tools to enhance your planning and stay organized throughout your journey. I’ll of course dive a bit deeper into some of these resources in future posts!

Step 5: Embrace Flexibility:

While planning is crucial, it’s equally important to embrace flexibility. Unexpected opportunities may arise, and some plans might need adjustment. Allow room for spontaneity, and don’t be afraid to deviate from the original itinerary. Flexibility adds an element of surprise and ensures a more enjoyable and stress-free adventure. In other words, make the plans, but embrace the flexibility 🙂

gray concrete castle near body of water


As I embark on this once-in-a-lifetime quest to visit all 50 states in my sixtieth year, I invite you to follow along and share in the excitement. Through careful planning, a realistic budget, and a dash of spontaneity, we can turn this dream into a reality. Stay tuned for updates, insights, and tales from the road as I celebrate the big 6-0 in the most unforgettable way possible.

The Author

An aggressive goal to visit all 50 states during my 60th year, but here we are! I share a few other things on the sites below as well!

Follow the journey!


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