Exploring Denali: Bear Safety, Park Insights, and Scenic Talkeetna | 50 at 60 – Episode #17

Welcome back! I’m staying at the McKinley Creekside Cabins—though it’s not McKinley anymore, it’s Denali. Just Denali. As I sit here, I realize I’m much farther away from the mountain than expected. Driving in from Anchorage, the trees blocked the view, and I kept thinking, “Why aren’t there more turnouts for this gorgeous scenery?”

Rhubarb Muffins and Bear Encounters

Before we dive into today’s adventure, let me show you this rhubarb muffin I picked up. It’s a throwback to my childhood when my grandmother had rhubarb in her garden. It’s sour, but delicious. And while I’m snacking, let’s talk about bear safety.

I read through the “bear encounter” section of the summer guide, and it’s intense! It talks about the difference between a curious bear and a defensive bear. Apparently, if a curious bear attacks, you should fight back. If it’s defensive, you’re supposed to play dead. I’ll admit, I’m not sure I’ll remember all these instructions if I run into a bear!

Denali Disappointments and Hidden Views

Today’s plan was simple—just barely dip into Denali. I came here to see the mountains, but thanks to a landslide in 2021, you can only drive in so far. I didn’t realize this until I stumbled upon a great website called Earth Trekkers. They’ve got a detailed post about Denali and the road closures. Honestly, if I had known the park’s limitations, I might have rethought my trip. You can only get to mile 15, and I was really hoping to see Wonder Lake with Denali in the background. Next time, I might take a flightseeing tour to get closer.

Hiking Horseshoe Lake Trail

I decided to take a hike on the Horseshoe Lake Trail. It’s a relatively short hike, about 6/10 of a mile, but it had some challenging sections, especially the stairs! There were no bears (thankfully), but I did spot a Beaver Dam and some birds. I joked with some hikers that they were my “natural bear spray” as I followed behind them.

By the time I finished the hike, I was winded but happy. If you’re ever here, I highly recommend the trail, but beware of the stairs—they’re tougher than they look!

Driving Through Denali: Moose Sightings and Mountain Views

Driving through Denali has been an experience. I pulled over at one point, surrounded by 360° views of mountains. It’s peaceful and stunning, but I keep thinking about how far away the mountains feel. It’s not like Switzerland or the Alps, where you can get up close. Here, it feels like the mountains are just out of reach.

I did have some excitement on the road—a moose crossed in front of me! In total, I spotted three moose today. It’s thrilling to see wildlife up close, and it makes the long drive through the park worthwhile.

Reflection: Finding the Perfect Shot

Throughout the day, I kept thinking about how much time and effort goes into capturing the perfect landscape shot. Some of the photographers who live here know all the best spots. As a visitor, I’m just scratching the surface, but I’m trying to give myself a break. You can’t expect to know all the secret photo locations when you’re only passing through.

Wrapping Up the Day: Late-Night Pizza and Endless Light

I made it back to my cabin and noticed that the pizza place next door is open until 2 AM. It’s 11 PM now, and it’s still light out. Does it ever get dark here? Sunset is technically at 11:30 PM, but I’m curious if it really gets dark at all.

As I wrap up this day, I’m grateful I stayed two nights. I got to see so much, and I even spotted two more moose on the drive back. Tomorrow is another adventure as I head down to Seward. It’ll be a long drive, but I’m excited to explore the glaciers and maybe see some whales.

Thanks for joining me in Denali! More adventures to come, and as always, more of this later.

In Episode #17 of my 50 at 60 journey, I dedicate an entire day to exploring the magnificent area around Denali, Alaska. The day begins with a chat at my creekside cabin, where I discuss the confusing information about bear safety provided by the park. I delve into some intriguing details about Denali National Park, highlighting its partial closure due to a landslide a couple of years ago. Later, I embark on a scenic drive to Talkeetna, soaking in the breathtaking views along the way. Throughout the drive, I share some random thoughts from the car, capturing the essence of my travel experience. The video concludes with a collection of stunning photographs taken throughout the day in Alaska. Join me for a day of exploration, insights, and natural beauty.

The Author

An aggressive goal to visit all 50 states during my 60th year, but here we are! I share a few other things on the sites below as well!

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