A Day in Anchorage: Parks, Architecture, and Reflections on Reality | 50 at 60 – Episode #15

I started the second day of my Alaska adventure standing in line for coffee, recording myself with bedhead, and realizing I had no idea what the name of the place was. Classic. If I had an intro for this vlog, it would have gone right about there. But who needs an intro when you’re about to dive into a day full of discovery?

Exploring the Local Parks

I had a long list of places to explore: local parks, a hike, an animal sanctuary, and hopefully making it down to Hope. Anchorage was overcast, which was perfect for photography, softening the light. It’s nice not to feel the pressure of chasing the “best light” all day.

Reflecting on Airbnb and the Simple Life

Staying in my little Airbnb reminded me of what the platform used to be. No corporate hotel vibes, just a middle-class family renting out part of their home. It’s the entrepreneurial spirit I appreciate. It’s nice to support individuals over big corporations, and staying in a working-class neighborhood gave me a sense of what local life feels like here.

Discovery: The Word of the Year

I’ve been thinking a lot about discovery lately—how travel is more than just capturing landscapes and images. In the past, I used to stress over getting the perfect photos, always chasing the light. But now, I’m more relaxed. Even here in Alaska, one of the most scenic places I’ll visit this year, I’m not stressed about filling up my memory cards with endless shots. It’s freeing.

Thoughts on Storytelling and Interviews

I’ve toyed with the idea of interviewing someone in every state. It’s an exciting thought, but I’m realizing it’s not going to happen during this trip. However, if I come across someone interesting, I’ll embrace the opportunity. I still want to tell stories of small-town America, but for now, my journey is focused on exploring all 50 states.

A Quick Tour Around the Neighborhood

Before heading out, I took a look around my Airbnb’s backyard. The view of the mountains from a nearby street was stunning. I have to say, this neighborhood is cozy and down-to-earth, and I feel right at home. It sure beats paying $500 a night for a downtown hotel I didn’t even like!

Wandering Parks and Catching Planes

One of the first parks I visited was Wallin Off Park. It had a bike path and an interesting view of planes landing nearby. Not the most exciting park, but I enjoyed the peacefulness of it. Anchorage has a handful of parks like this, and I had two more to visit before heading further out.

Wildlife Encounter: The Moose

I spent a good chunk of the day in nature, and finally, I had my first big wildlife encounter—a moose! I had heard from a couple of strangers that a moose was nearby, and sure enough, there he was, right in my path. It was a surreal moment, and I couldn’t believe how massive this creature was.

I kept my distance, reminded of a story I’d heard about a man getting hoofed to death by a moose in Alaska. Let’s just say, I wasn’t about to get any closer than I needed to.

The Beauty of Alaska: Views That Take Your Breath Away

As the day went on, I found myself amazed by the sheer beauty of this place. I made several stops to soak in the views, including a final viewpoint overlooking Anchorage and the surrounding mountains. The scenery was beyond words—massive ridges, snow-capped peaks, and the city nestled below. It felt like I was on top of the world.

Ending the Day with Awe and Gratitude

I couldn’t have imagined a better way to wrap up the Anchorage section of my trip. Being in Alaska has recharged my sense of wonder and curiosity, and I’m excited for what’s next. Tomorrow, I’ll head up to Denali, where new adventures await.

Thanks for joining me on this leg of the journey. As always, more to come from Alaska!

In Episode #15 of my 50 at 60 journey, I spend an entire day exploring the diverse and captivating city of Anchorage, Alaska. The day begins with visits to some of the city’s beautiful parks and a stroll along the waterside, where I admire the unique architecture. Midday brings an emotional challenge as I encounter the stark reality of homeless tents in downtown Anchorage. Despite this sobering experience, I continue my exploration along the Seward Highway, ending the day with a breathtaking and inspirational view of the city, harbor, and surrounding mountains. Join me for a day of contrasts and reflections in this remarkable Alaskan city.

The Author

An aggressive goal to visit all 50 states during my 60th year, but here we are! I share a few other things on the sites below as well!

Follow the journey!


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