Reflecting on Alaska: Scenic Drive to Anchorage and Final Thoughts | 50 at 60 – Episode #20

I wasn’t planning on vlogging today—it’s just a travel day—but I figured I’d start recording in case something exciting happens or if I feel like rambling. So, let’s consider this the beginning.

Goodbye to My Cozy Airbnb in Seward

I’m leaving my comfortable Airbnb in Seward, Alaska, heading back to Anchorage. One thing I love about places like this is the convenience of parking. The car is right outside the door, just like my place in Forks, Washington. It’s such a small thing, but being able to toss everything in the car without walking down endless hotel hallways is a nice perk.

I’ve given myself plenty of time to make the drive up to Anchorage. I have to return the rental car, top off the gas, and maybe even get a car wash. I’m not sure why cars get so dirty in snowy environments. Something about the snow, I guess. Anyway, time to hit the road.

The Beauty of Pre-Planning

This trip has been a bit different for me—I did more pre-planning than usual, especially with lodging. Normally, I love the spontaneity of just rolling into a town and finding a place to stay. But this year, with all the traveling I’m doing, I’ve realized it’s better to plan ahead. It takes some stress off, letting me focus more on enjoying the location and filming everything for the 50 at 60 project.

Plus, with so much video footage and images to sift through, I’m going to need all the time I can get to stay on top of it. I’ve also been journaling more regularly, something I’ve tried in the past but never stuck with. It’s been helpful, and I think it’ll be a great reference as I continue to document this journey.

The Drive Back to Anchorage

I’m giving myself plenty of time to get to Anchorage, even though my flight isn’t until 2 PM. I’ve got about a 2.5-hour drive ahead of me, but with all the scenic views, I know I’ll want to stop and take some photos.

I just passed one of those spots where the reflections off the water were incredible, but there was nowhere to park. It’s frustrating sometimes when you spot a beautiful scene but can’t pull over. That’s why I like staying in a place for more than one night—it gives me time to explore those hidden gems.

There’s a lot of road construction up here, and the roads are filled with massive potholes, but the glacier-fed lakes along the way are stunning. The water is this unbelievable blue, like Gatorade. Every time I pass by, I’m reminded how lucky I am to witness all this beauty.

Gratitude for the Journey and My Health

I’ve said it before, but I’m so blessed to be able to travel and see the world. I’m especially grateful for my eyesight. A couple of years ago, I had retinal detachment surgery, and there was a time when I feared I wouldn’t be able to travel or photograph again.

Basin Palmer did an amazing job, and now, every time I look out at a scene like this, I’m filled with gratitude. There’s nothing quite like spending hours photographing landscapes, waiting for the light to change, and listening to nature. But today, I’ve got a flight to catch, so it’s time to keep moving.

Alaska: A Trip I’ll Never Forget

This whole trip to Alaska was something I almost didn’t do. I was talking to my sister, telling her I was planning to visit Washington but wasn’t sure about adding Alaska to the itinerary. She was the one who pushed me to do it, saying, “You’re so close! You’ve got to go.” And thank God I did.

Alaska is unlike anywhere else. The sheer size of the state, the landscapes, the wildlife—there’s no way I could have covered as much territory if I hadn’t come now. I’m already planning my next trip back, hoping to time it right so I can see bears catching salmon in the wild. That’s on my bucket list for sure.

Wrapping Up: Reflections and Future Plans

As I pull back into the Anchorage Airport, I’m filled with a sense of accomplishment. This trip has been everything I hoped for and more. From the incredible scenery to the wildlife and the sense of adventure, Alaska has left a lasting mark on me. I can’t wait to return someday.

Thanks for following along with my journey. It’s been an incredible ride, and I’m looking forward to what’s next. As always, more of all this later.

In Episode #20 of my 50 at 60 journey, I depart my Airbnb in Seward for a scenic drive to the Anchorage airport, reflecting on my unforgettable experiences in Alaska and the travels I’ve embarked on so far. Along the way, I discuss my lodging choices and the role of AI in planning this adventure. I make a final stop to photograph a glass-like lake reflecting the stunning Alaskan landscape and sky, a moment that fills me with gratitude for my eyesight. Join me as I share more reflections and thoughts from the car before arriving at the Anchorage airport to begin my journey home.

The Author

An aggressive goal to visit all 50 states during my 60th year, but here we are! I share a few other things on the sites below as well!

Follow the journey!


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