From Denali to Seward: Emotional Journeys and Scenic Beauty | 50 at 60 – Episode #18

Is there anything better than that first sip of coffee? It’s after 10 AM, and I’m just starting my day. I didn’t set an alarm, and I’m moving slowly. Stayed up late last night clearing memory cards, charging batteries, and now I’m sitting here with my crumb cake, sipping coffee, and realizing I have a long day ahead. Today, I’m driving to Seward, a 5 ½ hour drive that will likely take me 7 hours with all the stops I plan to make.

Starting the Journey: Stopping for Scenic Views

I had to stop at this bridge again, where I took some shots the other day. It’s beautiful, but they have signs everywhere warning, “No photography from the bridge.” Naturally, that’s what people want to do. The drive is getting busier, with cars heading north toward Denali, while I’m heading south to Seward. It’s one of those days where the beauty of the road just pulls you in.

Soul-Searching on the Road

Today, I’ve been recording a lot into my DJI microphone, talking through my thoughts. It’s been a bit of therapy—soul-searching as I drive through these stunning landscapes. I used to do this all the time during my backpacking days, just recording my random thoughts, some silly, some deep. I think I’ll do more of this throughout the year as I continue my journey.

The Emotional Moment

There was one moment today that hit me hard. I rounded a corner on the Seward Highway, and The Joshua Tree by U2 was blasting through my speakers—Where the Streets Have No Name was playing, and the timing was perfect. The sunroof was open, the windows down, and the music reached this powerful crescendo just as I saw the mountains again.

It was overwhelming. I started crying, laughing, and yelling all at once. It was the third or fourth time I’d been on this stretch of the Seward Highway, but it never fails to take my breath away. The scenic train passed by, filled with people waving at me, and I waved back, tears hidden behind my sunglasses. It was just one of those moments where gratitude hits you all at once. The beauty of the landscape, the joy of being able to see it all—especially after almost losing my eyesight—it was powerful.

The Beauty of the Seward Highway

I’ve been on a lot of scenic drives in my life, but the Seward Highway is something else. The mountains, the lakes, and the light—there’s nothing quite like it. Even though I’ve driven it a few times, it feels new every time. Today, the light was changing constantly, casting these beautiful shadows and highlights across the hills. I had to stop at a small boardwalk over a lake and just take it all in. The reflection of the mountains in the water, the peacefulness of the moment—it was exactly what I needed.

Arriving in Seward: A Cute Alaskan Town

After an emotional day of driving, I finally arrived in Seward. What a cute little town! It almost feels like an Olympic Village with all the boats and ships in the harbor. It’s Memorial Day weekend, and the town is packed with RVs and campers. I checked into my Airbnb, which is perfect—spacious, with a big kitchen and a fridge right next to the bedroom. I’m definitely going to enjoy my stay here.

Wrapping Up: Exploring Seward

The light outside is still beautiful, even though it’s late. I don’t know what time it is, but it doesn’t matter—the light just lingers here. I’m excited to explore more of Seward, wander around, and capture some photos of this amazing place. I might even strike up a conversation with some of the campers I saw earlier.

Today was an emotional and beautiful day, and I’m looking forward to what tomorrow brings as I continue exploring Seward and the surrounding glaciers.

In Episode #18 of my 50 at 60 journey, I start the day with coffee in hand, journaling about the day’s adventures, a cherished morning ritual during my year of travel. Today’s journey takes me from Denali to Seward, Alaska. As I drive along the breathtaking Seward Highway, the stunning beauty of the landscape evokes an emotional response, bringing me to tears. Along the way, I stop at a beautiful reflective lake just outside of Seward to capture some serene photographs. The day concludes with a peaceful late evening walk at the softly lit Seward Harbor. Join me for a day filled with reflection, emotional moments, and the awe-inspiring beauty of Alaska.

The Author

An aggressive goal to visit all 50 states during my 60th year, but here we are! I share a few other things on the sites below as well!

Follow the journey!


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